Bye 2007, Hello 2008
15 minutes left of 2007. Warrants a quick recap of what has happened this year:- I celebrated my first CNY in KL and cooked my first full-fledged reunion dinner
- I finished serving my scholarship bond - FINALLY
- I began a new blog to share updates and news with close family - which, to my own amazement, is still very much alive
- I made a whole bunch of new friends in my new workplace
- Gramps' health is deteriorating - very heartbreaking
- Great grandma passed away at the ripe old age of 101
- Bro proposed!
- I got in touch with a whole load of friends whom I've not seen/ heard from since my school days - thanks to Facebook
- I met-up with an online friend, face-to-face
- I finally got around to applying for my ACCA membership, despite having passed the exams 3 years back!!
- I moved to the middle east to join hubby
What I hope to achieve in 2008:
- Learn basic arabic
- Familarise self with islamic finance and the tax regime in the mid east
- Work towards a promotion at work
- Strike a balanced work/ life perspective - leave the office before 7pm max and not to work weekends
- Eat healthier - stick to fibre and greens regime, rule out sugary drinks, cut down the burgers, fastfood and fatty pork
- Lose weight - 10kg? maybe more realistic if I can even achieve 5kg!!
- Use moisturiser/ body lotion for dry skin and face
- Visit 2 to 3 places I've never been to before
- Make a conscious effort to plan and get pregnant
- Build up my close-to-nil savings
Happy New Year to self!