Day 2
On further consideration, I thought I'd warn any unwary visitor who stumbles upon this blog and starts reading. If you're male, you're likely to find the following icky. So please, do yourself a favour and turn back to where you came from. Trust me, you'll thank me for this.
Today is DAY 2 of 28. Well, for most people anyway.
I feel tired, bloated and unattractive. Well, I feel unattractive most of the time anyway, but I feel particularly unattractive today. I was bundled in a warm green turtleneck sweater. I used to look smart in such stuff. But today, I looked like a green apple. People without necks like moi should really refrain from attempts to don turtlenecks. Seriously.
Anyways, back to my new year's resolution. Today I learnt about:
The cycle
Day 1 - 4: Bleed, bleed, bloody bleed.
Day 5 - 11: Have sex, sex, sex.
Day 12 to 14: Ovulation (supposedly) occurs. More sex.
Day 15 to 18: Have sex - just in case ovulation is late. And for fun. Ha!
Day 19 to 28: Moan over zits, irritation mounts, mood swings from hyper happy to god damn depressing. Back to Day 1.
That is the summarised agak-agak version. Now, the real (complicated) deal. Systematic. Discipline required. No pain no gain.
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)
FAM is a collection of practices that help a woman know which days of the month she is most likely to get pregnant. A woman can learn when ovulation is coming by observing her own body and and charting physical changes. She can then use this information to avoid or encourage pregnancy.
a) Technique 1: Calander Charting
Today is DAY 2 of 28. Well, for most people anyway.
I feel tired, bloated and unattractive. Well, I feel unattractive most of the time anyway, but I feel particularly unattractive today. I was bundled in a warm green turtleneck sweater. I used to look smart in such stuff. But today, I looked like a green apple. People without necks like moi should really refrain from attempts to don turtlenecks. Seriously.
Anyways, back to my new year's resolution. Today I learnt about:
The cycle
Day 1 - 4: Bleed, bleed, bloody bleed.
Day 5 - 11: Have sex, sex, sex.
Day 12 to 14: Ovulation (supposedly) occurs. More sex.
Day 15 to 18: Have sex - just in case ovulation is late. And for fun. Ha!
Day 19 to 28: Moan over zits, irritation mounts, mood swings from hyper happy to god damn depressing. Back to Day 1.
That is the summarised agak-agak version. Now, the real (complicated) deal. Systematic. Discipline required. No pain no gain.
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)
FAM is a collection of practices that help a woman know which days of the month she is most likely to get pregnant. A woman can learn when ovulation is coming by observing her own body and and charting physical changes. She can then use this information to avoid or encourage pregnancy.
a) Technique 1: Calander Charting
- Start by keeping a written record of your menstrual cycle for 8-12 consecutive months. (So long!!!! Shucks! How am I going to achieve my resolution this year?)
- Count the first day of menstruation (the first of bleeding) as "Day 1" of your cycle.
Pick your longest and shortest cycles. - Subtract 18 from the length of your shortest cycle and note this as the first fertile day.
- Subtract 11 from the length of your longest cycle and this is the last fertile day.
In a "typical" cycle, after 5 days of menstruation there are 3-4 "dry" days, then wetness begins with sticky, cloudy, whitish, or yellowish secretions. The wetness increases to the wettest day when mucus is quite distinctive: abundant, clear, very slippery and very stretchy (like egg whites). Ovulation occurs sometime in the 2 days before or up to 2 days after the peak day of stretchy fertile mucus. This is summarised in the chart below.

c) Basal body temperature (BBT)
- Temperature is taken every morning immediately upon waking and before any activity.
- Immediately before ovulation, the temperature drops briefly.
- Within 12 hours of ovulation the BBT rises several tenths of a degree and remains up until the next menstrual period.
- When temperature stays high for 3 days in a row, the fertile period is over and the infertile time begins.
- Keep a chart of your BBT over a period of 8-12 consecutive months to learn the approximate time in your cycle when you usually ovulate.
d) Cervical Observation
Huh?? Got difference meh? Don't really know how this works.
Sounds like a lot of work leh.
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