Saturday, October 22, 2005

Melancholic mood

Oh dear....I know, its already been a year but i just can't explain why I sometimes still get overwhelmed by emotions...always when I am alone, in the middle of the night, or whilst am driving

I wonder if I am the only one in the family as no one speaks about personal grief anymore. perhaps different people cope in different ways and do not necessarily need the occasional outburst and tears like me.

I still cannot talk about her to anyone, even hubby, without fighting back the tears welling up in my eyes.....silly, as I have long accepted that she is no longer with us....but still....sad I feel...inexplicable.

Moving into my new place reminded me of her
My wedding reminded me of her
Family birthday celebrations reminds me of her
Visits to hospitals reminds me of her
Plus it didn't help, that I'd just watched All About Love - good, poignant...sad...

When I was younger, I'd always thought attendance at several funerals meant I now comprehended what death was. But I was wrong. No one really understands death until someone very close to them is taken away. is the start of the long awaited weekend no more wasting snap out of melancholy now! :)


At 9:11 am, Blogger Juan said...

Ming... *Huggggzzzz*

At 11:51 pm, Blogger munsta said...

Thanks Juan :)


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