Saturday, December 23, 2006

But honestly

Maybe it is a case of not wanting to burn your bridges, but am just wondering how many of us are actually frank in disclosing the reasons as to why we quit a particular job?

My reasons:

  • My personality is better carved out for consultancy than the corporate environment
  • Now’s the opportunity to build-up my technical skills which I feel can only be done effectively in an accounting firm with vast experiences to share, myriad portfolios of clients and international networking to boot
  • Improved mobility in the event I need to relocate in line with my husband’s career development needs

My colleagues’ reasons:

  • Unable to fit into the company’s culture
  • Need a less demanding job with shorter hours, so that more time can be spent with the kids

The truth (which really, isn't quite that difficult to decipher):

  • We are tired and overloaded and yet, for the same salary and resources allocated, our job scope is always ever expanding.
  • There are more productive things to do than to constantly follow-up (be it via e-mail, telephone calls, face-to-face meetings) with full-blown-adults-who-have-to-be-treated-like-kiddos on submission of information/ further action.
  • We have had enough of being responsible for the actions of others who cannot care less and yet gets away with murder every single time
  • Fuzzy leadership, e.g. just to name a few, what is the logic of:
    a) Liquidating dormant companies on one hand and setting-up twice the number on the
    b) Cutting down budgeted staff benefits and freezing headcount requested to cope with operational matters on one hand but approving the unbudgeted recruitment of expensive big-wigs to “head” new departments/ initiatives on the other
    c) Continuing to splash lavishly on new training centres, corporate communication programmes, business entertainment and many other “cutting-edge” projects, which after numerous years, still show no foreseeable returns to the company
  • And, saddest of all, we are convinced that the situation above is only likely to deteriorate further as the months inch by - so tell me, why bother staying on a sinking ship??

An employee’s loyalty should lie with an entity and not an individual, and yet it is utterly naïve to deny that the personality helming the company does not play an important role in making sure that such is the case.


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