Saturday, February 11, 2006


OMG....Has Jan 2006 come and gone?

Let's see, my life has revolved around working, sleeping, relatives, working, sleeping, working, sleeping, relatives, working, get the idea.

Its not been great for hubby either....his Jan is summarised as:
Week 1 - Beijing
Week 2 - KL (but I was sick the entire duration he was back, and not minor-sick sick - but the 6-day-flat-out-in-bed-kind-of sick! yeah, life sucks sometimes)
Week 3 - Africa
Week 4 - managed to fly back to his hometown just in time for Chinese New Year

December- January is a BAD BAD BAD time for accountants.....reminder to self: for family planning, best to get pregnant beginning April....just in time for 2-month maternity leave at year end...heheheheh

my concept of time is pretty warped....on one hand (as mentioned above), i feel that the days have sped by like a red chilli hot Ferrari (i.e. too many deadlines, too little time) and yet on the other, I feel that time is crawling at a snail's pace (i.e. surely its been more than 2 weeks when I flew back to Kuching for CNY...It feels like ages and ages and ages ago....seriously it does! ) !!

Yeah...confused chick I am...but don't you feel the same sometimes?


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